Proper home hygiene prevents disease
Cleaning houses, keeping the space always open; in particular, disinfecting all objects that can be held, grasped, knocked, pressed, by hand ... is the way many families prevent many diseases.
The disease of acute respiratory infections caused by new strains is an infectious disease, easily spread by the respiratory tract, currently there is no specific preventive vaccine and no specific medicine.
According to scientists, in addition to door handles, other places that can easily contain pathogens are cell phones, computer keyboards and water valves ... These are also surfaces that often contain other pathogens, including the flu viruses inherent everywhere. Therefore, regular handwashing and proper home hygiene contribute to the prevention of disease transmission.
Cleaning frequently exposed objects such as door handles, household surfaces, toys, etc. with disinfectant solutions. Also, be careful with the balcony, the handrails of stairs and any objects that are held by hand ...

Cleaning the floor: because germs can be brought in from outside, especially when a family member goes out without changing clothes or bathing right away. Always make sure floors are vacuumed and cleaned regularly.
Cleaning objects made of cloth: cleaning surfaces by suction, washing the sofa where the family's frequent contacts. Wet towels (kitchen wipes, hand towels) are also home to viruses and bacteria. Therefore, it should also be washed in hot water at least once a week.
Cleaning home technology devices: Mobile phones, computer keyboards are the shelter for viruses, bacteria and are most often manually touched. Regular cleaning of all technology devices, including mobile phones and computer keyboards, with disinfectant solutions.
Not sharing personal belongings: All family members absolutely do not share towels, toothbrushes. Washing towels, face towels twice a week.
Creating a clean and fresh environment: Ensuring ventilation by increasing natural ventilation at the workplace. Can be combined using Hepa membrane filter with built-in Nano Silver combined with negative ion mode and UV mode to purify the air, inhibit the reproduction and spread of viruses, bacteria, prevent disease, especially respiratory diseases.

Representative of Karofi brand said that HEPA membranes have the potential to contribute to limiting bacteria and viruses. This membrane can filter bacteria, viruses from 0.3 micrometres in size. If bacteria, viruses are smaller than 0.3 micrometers, they can theoretically pass through HEPA filters. In reality, however, viruses do not exist individually in the air. They often cling to saliva, sweat and fine dust. Therefore, HEPA membrane can still retain viruses if they cling to droplets, dust particles, matter greater than 0.3 micrometers.
Some HEPA membranes are also integrated with silver nanoparticles, which makes bacteria and viruses inhibited, unable to reproduce, helping fresh air, reducing the risk of disease. In addition, for air filters that use ion technology, when operating, they release negative ions into the air. They will react chemically with the hydrogen base of bacteria, the virus changes the DNA structure (derived from French: acide désoxyribonucléique, abbreviated: DNA) causing them to be destroyed. If the filter is equipped with ultraviolet rays, it also helps to increase the efficiency of killing viruses and bacteria.
Karofi air filter with HEPA membrane helps to remove dust, allergens, pollen that are larger than 0.3 micron. The membrane incorporates UV-C bactericidal technology, using Titanium Dioxide to help remove bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxic organic substances remaining in the air, and integrated negative ion generator to help fresh air.

KAP - E114 air filter